Warbugia ugandensis

KES. 812.00

Warbugia ugandensis 

Warbugia ugandensis


Standard/Trade name: East African greenheart

This well sought after evergreen tree reaches up to 25 m with dense foliage and rough brown-black bark. Shiny dark green leaves, wavy edges, and clear midrib, growing up to 10cm long. Inconspicuous green to cream flowers, followed by round to egg-shaped fruits turning purple upon ripening. Multiple flat, heart-shaped seeds within a white waxy pulp.

Uses: Versatile applications including firewood, timber, furniture, tools, seasoning for curries, edible fruit, medicinal purposes, shade provider, ornamental, mulch, resin production, veterinary medicine, and insecticide.

Remarks: Heartwood develops a slight greenish hue post-seasoning, fades with light exposure. Despite being hard and heavy, it rots quickly and is susceptible to termites due to high oil content. Highly valued in herbal medicine, facing pressure from prospectors. Leaves and twigs have a peppery taste. Heartwood deters armyworm feeding. Resin serves as glue.

Related Species: W. stuhlmannii, known as Mkaa, is a rare tree found in dry coastal forests and wooded grasslands, growing up to 24 m. Smaller fruits and flowers, also used for medicinal purposes. Endemic to parts of Tanzania and Kenyan coast.

49 in stock



Warbugia ugandensis

Botanical name: Warbugia ugandensis

COMMON NAMES: English: East African greenheart; Kikuyu: Muthiga, Muthaiga; Kipsigis: Moissot, Sogoet, Soke; Kisii: Omenyakige; Luhya: Abaki, Apache, Apachi; Luhya (Bukusu): Kumisikhu; Luo: Abaki, Soko; Maasai: Osokonoi, Osogonoi; Marakwet: Selena; Meru: Musunui; Nandi: Soget; Ogiek: Marut; Tugen: Sorget, Soke

Origin: Indigenous

Height; approx. 30 cm high

Comes in a seedling bag

Grown and ships within Kenya

Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 30 cm

Nanjala Blooms

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