Teresa Nanjala Lubano
— Founder & Creative, Shop Nanjala
Short Bio
I am told I have a talent for design and a business mind for it. I dabble in calligraphy. Have a knack for experiential marketing. Unbeatable at hula hooping. I know a good thing when I see one. Oh, I’m also a self confessed obsessive giver.
Your favourite designed object?
Apple? (the iPhone to be specific)
Favourite read/book?
Roots by Alex Haley and the sequel Queen.
My husband Patrick Igweta (for his foresight and unconditional love), Maya, our little girl (for her wholesome youthfulness and trust) and Mom (for her worldly sensibilities).
Proudest moment?
Birth. Changed my life and attitude to life.
What inspires you?
Nature. Bond 007. Seeing talent flourish. Contemporary African Design. Military. Different fascinating experiences
Tell us something we wouldn’t know about you?
When I was 9 years old, I had a friend who wanted her ears pierced. I brazenly volunteered. I used a marker, a needle and thread. She healed well and is lucky to tell the tale. Also, I was once a champion breaststroke swimmer in my early youth days.
Favourite plant?
Echeveria Elegans “Mexican Rose”.
Bake. Swim. Dance. Farm. Growing succulents.
+254 724567990
Noella Lubano
— Non-executive Director | Legal Advisor
Short Bio
Sharp. Witty. I’m a great story teller – hence a litigation lawyer.
Your favourite designed object?
Food Processor.
Favourite read/book?
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee.
Mr. George Oraro.
Proudest moment?
Becoming an auntie to my niece.
What inspires you?
Finding solutions.
Beatrice Mmbone
— Head Gardener, Shop Nanjala
Short Bio
Green thumbs for gardening, planting succulents and crops is my forte. I love seeing things grow. If you want your succulents to thrive, follow our Nanjala Blooms Tips.
Your favourite designed object?
The mobile phone and Safaricom’s M-pesa product
Favourite read/book?
I’m inspired by Teresa, our Founder. Also a lady called Eunia, she was a teacher of mine when I was little. She gave me sound advice about life.
Proudest moment?
Take pride in my 5 children getting through school and seeing them excel in their studies.
What inspires you?
The idea that when plants grow they flourish, Id love to have a ‘shamba’ that has many crops that thrive and yield good crop.
Tell us something we wouldn’t know about you?
I’m a Sunday school teacher and lead singer at our church.
Favourite plant?
Sweet potatoes. Interesting that the tubers are nutritious food.
Singing and taking care of children.
Maya Igweta
— Our Little Apprentice
Short Bio
I usually run in the sun, pluck and admire mom’s plants. I’m not big but I’m really strong and can lift one of the medium size pots in the garden.
I love beautiful things like what’s bright and shinny, Baby TV, remote controls, smart phones, and my colourful ‘tuta’ hair bands. Most of all I like when my daddy throws me up and plays silly games with me.
I hope when I’m old enough I can do important things that make a difference in our lives.
I’m also currently working with a big ‘duka’ to create gorgeous, yet affordable, range of beautifully products that no home should do without!
Chief Creative Officer in the making!