Why do pregnant women love plants?

A week ago I had an interesting discussion with a fellow plant lover, he owns a flower shop around the bend. I was visiting to see if he had in stock a certain species of an indoor plant called the Pilea peperomia. He did. He mentioned it was a plant that was a hit a while back, its making a come back.

Well, we then got chatting and I curiously asked him, who exactly goes to buy his plants.


Well you shall never quite guess who? I was stunned. Pregnant women are his number one fans! That really got me intrigued. More so, because I’d say I’ve experienced this.  Nanjala Blooms launched when I was pregnant with my first child. So, curiously, I decided to investigate why. Here are the not-so-obvious reasons! Some of these points are based from my own experience.


  1. Plants Add Cheer and Loveliness to the Home

One of the liveliest way to décor your home or nursery during pregnancy is to go green. Increasing plant life around you when pregnant adds a “happy feeling” in the home, boosts the mood and reduces those stress levels normally related to the anxiety about the soon-to-be-borne baby.


  1. For Company – Indoors

Getting indoor plants is similar to getting a pet. What is a better way to a fill your space than to have a #plantgang? They need water, air, food (organic please) and sunshine just like humans. During maternity leave, keeping a baby milestone book and chatting to plants may just be your key companion.

  1. Nature is beckoning!

Of course mother nature is calling. As a woman blooms in motherhood, her nurturing and emotional vibes kick in full swing –  making her want to just nurture plants as well. I’d like to call it the yin yang of pregnancy.


  1. Air-Cleaning the Nursery

The newborn will spend upto 16 hours everyday in the nursery, so of course one wants the air to be as pure as can be. Research studies by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claim that potentially toxic volatile organic compounds are common in indoor air and that levels are typically two to five times higher than outdoors! That’s serious indoor pollution.

Welcome to the power of air-purifying plants. Plants get rid of harmful, common pollutants including toluene, xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde, and are absorbed through the plant’s leaves and neutralized in the soil.  Here are a few excellent choices I’d recommend: Mother-in-law Tongue, Boston fern, Peace Lily, Christmas Cactus, Bamboo palm, Aloe Vera and the Jade Plant.

So don’t be too surprised when you are just about to pop and you find yourself plant shopping; to give your home a pop of colour. Go ahead, its intuitive.



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